Well, our fearless leader John asked for it, and this is my response to the notorious scam on Twitter into which we have all been sucked. I haven't been on Twitter that long when I began hearing that many of my favorite celebrities were "tweeting". I thought, "Finally, here is my chance to say the things that I've wanted to tell them for so long!" I knew that they may not respond, but the point was that they would read it and, at least, know I exist.
To hear that two actors from one of my favorite shows were being impersonated vexed me greatly. Not so much at first, but after I thought about all of us that wrote them comments admiring them and their work, I got more and more angry. The kicker was watching Pauley Perrette's video this morning and hearing about all the grief that these social networking websites put her through in order to deal with identity situations, such as these. Her point that these sites should verify first and create a profile later seemed so simple, but obviously so missed in the eyes of the creators of these social networking sites.
I still have not lost any faith in my celebrities, though. I don't want to believe that everyone in the world is evil and wants to discount the true fans of them. My glass is half-full and it will be until someone knocks it over. To the REAL Pauley Perrette and Michael Weatherly, if you read this, I'm sorry that someone disrespected you in this manner. I hope this doesn't color your feelings towards the internet, especially our little site here, because all we want to do is share with the world how cool you guys are!
Virtually Yours, Melissa Sak — [email protected]
Update: Pauley Perrette is finally on Twitter. Story HERE!