While production has taken over the work, the script of first episode of season 7 (61 pages) was distributed to all concerned. New sets were made during the summer break and will be used for this seventh season. Here's an exclusive summary of NCIS episode 7 x 01. (From Team-NCIS)
Abstract: The Gibbs team is immersed in a drug case in the Navy. Two are dead in the morgue and a quarter-master is in critical condition. It would appear that the drug was ingested without their knowledge.
While the NCIS investigation is in full, agents DiNozzo and McGee "interview" the future successor to the former liaison officer with the Mossad, Ziva David. The DEA agent Emily Garver and the police officer Heather Pearson are among those received by Tim and Tony, but will they appeal to those who make the final decision, ie Gibbs?
But nobody has forgotten Ziva, since her return to the Mossad, she is monitored by NCIS. But 3 weeks after 'Aliyah,' monitoring does not report any more activity. NCIS is concerned that Ziva seems to have disappeared ... but Special Agent Chad Dunham, infiltratrating Muslim countries, would have perhaps noticed. (Translation — Original text in French)
Source: Team-NCIS