You know that we all do it, come on admit it! You think this actor looks like this actor and on and on and on... Here's an example:
"Hey!" (person 1)
"Hey!" (person 2)
"Do you know who Zooey Deschanel is?" (person 1)
"Isn't she just Katy Perry in disguise?" (person 2)
Yeah, that can get pretty annoying. But, I've been looking up who all of you fellow MW fans think he looks like, and I've added my own opinions to yours!
Chris Pines (Star Trek) — YES! I think him and MW look quite a bit alike. Only Chris is younger, and probably wouldn't make a very good Anthony DiNozzo!
James Roday (Psych) — Uh, not really.
Michael Shanks (Burn Notice) — Kinda.
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