From Adam's Blog —
Hello everybody. I’ve been extra quiet RE: Dominic Vail’s (no “e”) missing status on the show mostly because I don’t want to tip the cards or insinuate if he lives or dies; comes back or stays away. To give that secret away would be very bad for me, the actor. What I can say is that it’s been a joy working on the show, and ultimately for you, the viewers. It’s been nice receiving all the positive comments, emails, and letters wishing for his return as well as the critiques from less than appreciative folks . You can be sure that the things you guys say on the boards DO make it back to the producers/networks. They want to make a great product and the forums are a great tool. That being said… Let’s all hope for a Dom’s safety, I know I will be
. You never know what Mr. Brennan has up his sleeve.
Thanks Again,
Please leave your comments on Adam's Blog at
Bring Dom Home! — Petition to Return Dominic Vail (Adam Jamal Craig) to the