Submit Your NCIS Fan Videos, Artwork, Photos to CBS TV
Here's what CBS Television wants from NCIS Fans:
• NCIS Fans are invited to send NCIS ARTWORK they have created.
• NCIS Fans are invited to send PHOTOS of themselves with their NCIS Fan Items …NCIS T-Shirts, DVD Collections, NCIS Hats, BERT the Hippo, and any other NCIS Stuff you might have collected.
• NCIS Fans are invited to record and send personal "Why I Love NCIS" VIDEOS (details below).
YOU can be seen by the *NCIS* Cast/Crew on the big screen at Carnegie Hall in New York in May! — SEND US a short (15 second) VIDEO saying why you're an NCIS Fan or why you like NCIS. — SAMPLE: [Hi I'm "name" from "location" and I LOVE NCIS because… — or, I'm an NCIS FAN because…]
NCIS Fan Sarah in Michigan
Send your video to us to be forwarded by NCISfanatic to CBS Television in New York. — Please submit video in HD 1080p or 720p if possible!(Note: If you use a camera-phone to record, PLEASE turn the phone sideways so the recording is wider than it is tall, otherwise your video can't be used in this project.)
Recently Michael Weatherly (DiNozzo on NCIS) asked CBS in NYC to get in touch with us as a source of NCIS Fan-Created Videos and Artwork for their May event for the Cast, Crew and media in Carnegie Hall (NYC). — SO, GET THE WORD OUT! — We've gotten fan music videos
but we're also asking for 15-second clips from ALL NCIS FANS saying why they LOVE NCIS.
Hey John-
The NCIS fan package is currently in edit, so we are no longer accepting submissions from here on out. Thank you for patience, diligence, and extreme effort!!
I'll continue to keep in touch with you as we seek out agreements and contact info from the fans. If any of them continue to contact you personally, please let them know we thank them for their submissions and for being stellar fans of NCIS.
This piece could not have happened without you, and all of us at CBS (not just the cast, though I'm sure they will be super thankful too) greatly appreciate it.
Have a great weekend!!
Submit Your NCIS Fan Videos, Artwork, Photos to CBS TV
Here's what CBS Television wants from NCIS Fans:
• NCIS Fans are invited to send NCIS ARTWORK they have created.
• NCIS Fans are invited to send PHOTOS of themselves with their NCIS Fan Items …NCIS T-Shirts, DVD Collections, NCIS Hats, BERT the Hippo, and any other NCIS Stuff you might have collected.
• NCIS Fans are invited to record and send personal "Why I Love NCIS" VIDEOS (details below).
YOU can be seen by the *NCIS* Cast/Crew on the big screen at Carnegie Hall in New York in May! — SEND US a short (15 second) VIDEO saying why you're an NCIS Fan or why you like NCIS. — SAMPLE: [Hi I'm "name" from "location" and I LOVE NCIS because… — or, I'm an NCIS FAN because…]
NCIS Fan Sarah in Michigan
Send your video to us to be forwarded by NCISfanatic to CBS Television in New York. — Please submit video in HD 1080p or 720p if possible!(Note: If you use a camera-phone to record, PLEASE turn the phone sideways so the recording is wider than it is tall, otherwise your video can't be used in this project.)
Email: [email protected] Click the above link to send feedback, comments and suggestions. We would love to hear what's on your mind! — Email address: [email protected]
Submit Your NCIS Fan Videos, Artwork, Photos to CBS TV
Here's what CBS Television wants from NCIS Fans:
• NCIS Fans are invited to send NCIS ARTWORK they have created.
• NCIS Fans are invited to send PHOTOS of themselves with their NCIS Fan Items …NCIS T-Shirts, DVD Collections, NCIS Hats, BERT the Hippo, and any other NCIS Stuff you might have collected.
• NCIS Fans are invited to record and send personal "Why I Love NCIS" VIDEOS (details below).
Send VIDEOS to: [email protected] • Send Photos/Artwork to: [email protected]
Send your video to us to be forwarded by NCISfanatic to CBS Television in New York. — Please submit video in HD 1080p or 720p if possible! (Note: If you use a camera-phone to record, PLEASE turn the phone sideways so the recording is wider than it is tall, otherwise your video can't be used in this project.)
Email your VIDEO submission to [email protected]
Recently Michael Weatherly (DiNozzo on NCIS) asked CBS in NYC to get in touch with us as a source of NCIS Fan-Created Videos and Artwork for their May event for the Cast, Crew and media in Carnegie Hall (NYC). — SO, GET THE WORD OUT! — We've gotten fan music videos
but we're also asking for 15-second clips from ALL NCIS FANS saying why they LOVE NCIS.
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